Introducing the Summersolt marketplace

Summer camp childcare in the United States is a $15B industry. The industry lacks a marketplace that brings together providers and parents. This creates a friction in how demand and supply for these services are traded, resulting in acute challenges for parents and providers. In the United States most providers are small- to medium-sized and serve local markets with limited online visibility and manual reservation processes. And parents of 40 million 5 -18 year old children grapple each year with the challenge of creating, maintaining, and following schedules of multi-interest activities for their children during the Summer weeks.

Summersolt is a platform that solves this problem by bringing together providers and parents in a single digital marketplace. It minimizes the burden for parents by simplifying and accelerating their search, planning, and reservation activities. It helps providers by broadening their reach into new markets and opportunities and by reducing their child registration workload. It also creates pathways for future gig-economy providers to enter the highly lucrative summer camp space.

Imagine if you are a parent

Imagine you are a parent with an app in your hands that produces a listing or a map-view of camps in your area ranked by their proximity / drivetime to your home with a single tap. Imagine focusing on those camps with program openings during the second week of July. Imagine further filtering of programs by interest, price, modality (day-time or overnight). You see them reviewed and scored by your peers and, guided by their recommendations, you tap into any one of them. You see sessions with free slots ready for you to book. The price is cheaper than the provider’s online listing. Tap a little more and you reserve and pay for a place - as easy as purchasing goods on the Amazon app. Hesitant to make the booking? You tap through similar programs listed right before you. Imagine every booking you make adding to a calendar that captures the sessions of every place you reserved for your children. Imagine being informed of the likely difficulty or conflict in time or place of a session you may otherwise wish to reserve, with recommended solutions to address the conflict. Imagine a single tap to call the provider if you still desire a little human-touch. This app is Summersolt - an app that removes the burden of planning, searching, and reserving places at summer camp for your children

Imagine if you are a provider

Imagine you are a provider using a web app to tailor your multiple programs and sessions to make them easily navigable by parents on your own website or through the Summersolt app, thus broadening your reach and accelerating your reservations. Host your data with Summersolt and rid yourself of the headaches surrounding their maintenance. But not just that: imagine receiving all your payments electronically and in real time through the scheduling activities of parents who use Summersolt on their mobile phones. No more modes like Eventbrite to collect names and bookings and then advising parents to call directly to pay and avoid Eventbrite charges. No more time-consuming phone calls. More importantly no more missed phone calls from impatient parents who almost became your customers. Imagine also making better decisions based on real time analytics of the activities of parents as they search for camps offering particular activities and adding particular camp sessions, including yours, to a wish list from which they proceed to reservations. This is Summersolt for providers a tremendous accelerator towards your desired program management outcomes.


A cloudy Summer for parents in the US